Your One STOP Shop For GAINz, GM's and MEME's!


CA - 0x3DBE0E443CE387C53B324A259D0e7b398149130D

TOTAL supply: 80085 $GMEME

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Who is behind this Token?

This is a community endeavor, funded by the Avax Community for the Avax Community!
We appreciate what "Roaring Kitty" Has done for retail onvestors vs hedge funds and we wnted to pay homage here on AVAX
Our Hope is tobring HODL culture to avax and Stand together strong as Apes and Autisits alike

What is GMEME

A simple meme token forged from communities that love memes on avax
such as $COQ, $KONG, $STACK, $ASMR, $MAJIN, $WANG and so forth.
We also love to say GM to eachother every day

Getting Started with $GMEME

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DISCLAIMER: $GMEME is a meme token and has no intrinsic value, this is a ERC-20 token and social experiment. there is no promise of financial gain! Please do not risk more than you are willing to lose!